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Course Review List

ABA Frontline Compliance Training: A free online compliance training solution for ABA member banks

For a comprehensive list of changes to the ABA Frontline Compliance courses, please refer to the alphabetical list of course updates below. For all other ABA online course updates, visit the Self-Paced Online Courses Review List.

Alphabetical ABA Frontline Course Review List

*Reviewed to meet current regulations, but no changes were made.

Course Title Course Length
Last Review
Current Version
Active Aggressor for Employees 0:35 Mar-23 1
Active Aggressor for Managers 0:40 Mar-23 1
ADA: Accessibility 0:30 Dec-22 2
ADA: Employment 0:45 Dec-22 2
ADA: How to Serve and Work with People Living with Disabilities 0:50 Sep-22 1
Advertising Overview for Marketers 0:40 Jan-24 3
Affiliate Transactions (Reg W) 0:15 Jul-24 2
Allyship for Leaders 0:20 Dec-23 1
Appraisals: FIRREA and Interagency Guidelines 0:50 Jul-22 1
Appraisals: Reg Z Requirements 0:25 Jul-22 1
Bank Bribery Act 0:20 Jan-24 6
Bank On: Opening the Door to Opportunity 0:30 Jul-22 3
Bank Protection Act 0:20 Jan-24 6
Banking Law and Referrals 0:40 Apr-23 2
Best Practices for Managing Remote Employees 0:15 Apr-20 1
BSA/AML: Beneficial Ownership and CDD 0:30 Dec-23 1
BSA/AML: CIP Advanced 0:30 Jun-23 2
BSA/AML: CIP Basics 0:40 Jun-23 2
BSA/AML: Communicating with Customers about CTRs 0:20 Jun-23 2
BSA/AML: Completing the CTR 0:45 Jun-23 2
BSA/AML: Exempting Customers from CTR Reporting 0:25 Jun-23 2
BSA/AML: Fundamentals 0:30 Dec-22 2
BSA/AML: Recordkeeping - Wires, Money Orders, and Other Challenges 0:20 Jul-22 2
BSA/AML: Reporting 0:20 Jul-22 2
BSA/AML: Risk Assessment and Customer Due Diligence 0:15 Dec-23 2
BSA/AML: SAR Filing 0:49 Jul-22 2
BSA/AML: USA PATRIOT Act 0:20 Jul-22 2
CAN-SPAM Act 0:25 Jan-24 3
Check Fraud 0:30 Oct-24 1
Community Reinvestment Act 0:30 Apr-24 5
Conscious Bias 0:30 May-24 1
Culturally Respectful Customer Service 0:55 May-22 1
Cybersecurity Fundamentals 0:40 Jan-24
Elder Financial Exploitation 0:40 Jan-24
Electronic Funds Transfer Act (Reg E) 1:48 Jan-24 1
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Reg B) 1:38 Jan-24 1
E-Sign Compliance 0:30 Jan-24 3
Expedited Funds Availability Act (Reg CC) 1:00 Jan-24 1
Extending Credit to Bank Insiders (Reg O) 0:30 Jul-24 5
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) 2:00 Jan-24 1
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) 0:30 Jan-24 3
Fair Housing Act 0:25 Dec-22 4
Fair Lending 0:45 Jan-24 8
Fair Lending for Marketers 0:20 Jan-24
FCRA Adverse Action 0:10 Jan-24 3
FCRA Affiliate Information Sharing 0:15 Jan-24 3
FCRA Duties of Furnishers 0:15 Jan-24 3
FCRA Notice to Consumers (Risk-Based Pricing) 0:20 Jan-24
FCRA Overview 0:15 Jan-24 3
FCRA Permissible Purpose 0:13 Jan-24
FCRA Prescreened Offers of Credit 0:10 Jan-24
FCRA Use of Consumer Reports in Employment 0:10 Jan-24
FCRA Use of Medical Information 0:15 Jan-24 3
FDIC for Marketers 0:15 Jan-24 3
FDIC Insurance Coverage 0:50 Feb-24
Flood Disaster Protection Act 0:45 Jan-24 7
Fraud Prevention 0:30 Jan-24
Good Faith Estimate and HUD-1 0:15 Nov-22 2
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) 0:45 Jan-24
Homeowners Protection Act 0:30 Oct-24 3
Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling 0:30 Jul-24 2
Identity Theft Red Flags Rule 0:40 Jul-24 2
Military Lending Act (MLA) 0:30 Jul-24 2
Mortgage Servicing: ARM Notices 0:30 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Early Intervention and Continuity of Contact 0:30 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Error Resolution 0:40 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Escrow Accounts 0:40 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Force-Placed Insurance 0:40 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Loan Origination and Servicing Transfers 0:45 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Loss Mitigation 0:45 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Overview 0:45 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Payment Crediting and Periodic Statements 0:40 Jan-23 1
Mortgage Servicing: Successors in Interest 0:45 Jan-23 1
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) 0:20 Oct-24 5
Privacy: GLBA Rule (Reg P) 0:25 Jun-23 3
Privacy: GLBA Safeguards Rule 0:10 Jun-23 4
Privacy: Overview of Laws 0:25 Jun-23 3
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Overview 1:00 Dec-22 1
Recognizing and Preventing UDAAP 1:00 May-23
Reg B 1071 1:00 Apr-24 2
Reg B Appraisals and Other Valuations 0:25 Jan-24 3
Reg B Creditors' Requests for Information 0:13 Jan-24 4
Reg B Evaluating Applications 0:20 Jan-24 3
Reg B Notifications 0:20 Jan-24 3
Reg B Overview 0:20 Jan-24 3
Reg CC Disclosures and Notifications 0:10 Jan-24 3
Reg CC Funds Availability and Exceptions 0:20 Jan-24 3
Reg CC Indorsements 0:10 Jan-24 3
Reg CC Overview 0:20 Jan-24 2
Reg CC Subpart C 0:10 Jan-24 3
Reg DD Disclosures and Payment of Interest 0:21 Jun-23 1
Reg DD Overdraft Rules 0:35 Jun-23 1
Reg E Consumer Liability 0:10 Jan-24 3
Reg E Consumer Remittances 0:15 Jan-24 5
Reg E Disclosures Requirements 0:15 Jan-24 3
Reg E Error Resolution Requirements 0:15 Jan-24 3
Reg E Gift Cards 0:10 Jan-24 3
Reg E Overdrafts 0:13 Jan-24 3
Reg E Overview 0:15 Jan-24 3
Reg E Preauthorized Transfers 0:13 Jan-24 3
Reg E Prepaid Accounts 0:15 Jan-24 3
Reg Z Adjustable Rate Mortgages 0:25 Aug-22 2
Reg Z Advertising 0:45 Aug-22 2
Reg Z Credit Cards 0:35 Aug-22 2
Reg Z HELOCs (Open-End Credit) 0:35 Aug-22 2
Reg Z HOEPA and Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans 0:50 Aug-22 3
Reg Z Installment and Home Equity Loans (Closed-End Credit) 0:30 Aug-22 2
Reg Z Mortgages (Closed-End-Credit) 0:20 Oct-22 2
Reg Z Non Home Secured (Open-End Credit) 0:20 Oct-22 2
Reg Z Overview 0:50 Aug-22 2
Reg Z Private Education Loans 0:20 Sep-22 3
Reg Z Reverse Mortgages 0:25 Sep-22 2
Reg Z Right of Rescission 0:35 Sep-22 2
Reserve Requirements for Depository Institutions (Reg D) 0:15 Oct-24 5
Right to Financial Privacy Act: Federal Government Requests for Information
0:40 Jul-24 2
Robbery and Bank Security 0:45 Aug-21 2
S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act (Reg G) 0:20 Oct-24 3
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) 0:15 Jul-24 6
Sexual and Workplace Harassment 0:25 Jul-24 5
Sexual and Workplace Harassment for Managers 0:40 Jul-24 5
Social Media: Managing the Risks 0:25 Jul-24 3
Social Media for Marketers 0:25 Jan-24 3
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) 0:20 Jan-24
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures 0:30 Dec-22 2
Truth in Lending for Marketers 0:20 Jan-24 3
Truth in Savings for Marketers 0:20 Jan-24 3
UDAAP for Marketers 0:45 Jan-24 3
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (Reg GG) 0:15 Jul-24 4

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