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ABA: The American Bankers Association
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Core Platform Resources

ABA, with the work of its Core Platforms Committee, created this list of resources to assist banks of all sizes navigate their core relationships.

Principles for Strong Bank Core Provider Relationships 

Developed by the Core Committee, these Principles for Strong Bank-Core Provider Relationships offer reasonable standards under which a bank’s relationship with its core provider, and its customer base, can thrive. Fair and transparent contracts, adoption of technologies outside of the core provider offering and access to customer data are achievable standards that will allow banks to be innovative and competitive. The Committee believes these Principles are the foundation for a strong bank-core relationship.

These companies have informed ABA that they are committed to supporting the Principles for Strong Bank Core Relationships.

Bankers’ Perspectives: A Three-Part Guide to Successful Core Platform Conversions

Read first-hand experiences of bankers who have been through a core platform conversion and learn best practices to make your core conversion a success.

Read the Guide

The table below shows which providers have signed on to these Principles, and also links to fact sheets, where available. ABA’s Core Committee met with core providers to develop these fact sheets based on the information presented to the Committee and confirmed by the core. In 2022, ABA’s Core Committee also interviewed a number of Core providers to provide bankers with detailed information on strategy, innovation, third party integration, conversions and contracts.

Provider Fact Sheet* Committed to Strong Bank-Core Relationships
BMA Fact Sheet YES
BrightFi Fact Sheet
COCC Fact Sheet YES
CSI Fact Sheet YES
Data Center Inc. (DCI) Fact Sheet YES
Datapro Fact Sheet YES
Finastra Fact Sheet YES
FIS Fact Sheet YES
Fiserv Fact Sheet YES
Galileo (Technisys) Fact Sheet YES
IBT Apps Fact Sheet YES
InfoSys Finacle YES
Intellect Design YES
Jack Henry Fact Sheet YES
Mambu YES
Nymbus Fact Sheet YES
Q2 Fact Sheet YES
SAP Fioneer Fact Sheet YES
Smiley Technologies Fact Sheet YES
TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) Fact Sheet YES
Temenos Fact Sheet
Thought Machine Fact Sheet YES
UFS Tech Fact Sheet YES

Core Provider Flexibility Assessment

Identify the level of flexibility of your bank’s core system based on three primary categories: API Access, Partnership Approach, and Bank Independence.

Assess Your Core Provider

Sample Core Provider Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI) Templates

ABA's Core Platform Committee developed these documents to help ABA members conduct rigorous and complete market research when choosing a core provider. Banks can use one or both of these sample templates and should customize to meet their individual business needs.

ABA Resources

View all related resources from ABA

PLEASE NOTE: The listing of any core provider should not be considered an endorsement by ABA of the company or its products

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Deborah Whiteside

Deborah Whiteside

Senior Vice President, Vendor Evaluation

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Veronica Kelly

Director, Vendor Evaluation

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